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MetroLink Hosting
MetroLink Technologies was originally founded in 1996. We have been teaching novice users how to use their Microsoft© products, and providing a telephone based hard drive backup service. Since it's inception, MetroLink has been in the fore front of technology, teaching, others how to make technology work for them. Between 1996 and 2000 Internet use has skyrocketed, as well as, the the number of those that own personal computers. MetroLink's founder James French, discovered there just weren't enough professionals to service all those that needed Help to "Harness The Power Of Technology"©. Now MetroLink Technologies helps individuals and businesses develop a web presence, by "Providing Internet Marketing Solutions To Businesses". Starting at web conceptualization & development, to website design & layout, webpage authoring , and custom graphics, site promotion, & deep promotion. Combining innovation with creativity MetroLink founder James French is working to broaden and expand the ability of the still new frontier called the Internet. In September of 1999, James met a Greek Orthodox Christian Priest who wanted assistance with the web design of the church website and producing his weekly Orthodox Christian Radio Program. James decided to expand MetroLink Communications and was instrumental in bringing the first of several radio programs to the Internet. MetroLink Produced for "Come Receive the Light" Orthodox Christian Talk Program, Hosted by Fr. Andrew Barakos, for over a year. MetroLink still offers superb web services and graphical design, and quality hosting plans at an affordable price. References and list of sites designed by MetroLink Communications is available upon request mail request to Info@metrolinkusa.com.
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